Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Happy 2nd birthday

Dear P

You've just turned two and continue to amaze daddy and mummy with your new words everyday.

You melted our hearts today when you looked at daddy's scab on his arm and asked "are you hurt?" and when you fell off your chair,  you moaned "Oh man!" I wonder where you picked all these up, but am tremendously proud of you whenever you surprise us with a new word or sentence.

I thank God everyday for your joyful spirit and always loving towards everyone. My favorite moment everyday is when you wake up in the morning,  calls me "mummy" and plants a kiss on my lips. Don't ever stop doing this OK?

This year mummy and daddy didn't throw a big party for you. It was a little special celebration with your uncle. Your birthdays are just one day apart. It was a precious moment for mummy to celebrate both your birthdays together..and mummy pray we can do this every year.

Remember daddy and mummy love you alot,  always.