Sunday, November 30, 2014

Testing your boundaries

Dearest P,

It's been a trying few weeks so far. You're well and truly into your terrible twos stage amd testing every boundary that daddy and mummy set. From throwing your tantrums at the pool, to playing with your food, to the sumo wrestling style diaper changing routine, folding your arms and refusing to hold pur hands when we shop, to simply saying no at everything that you are told to do.

But at the end of everyday, I will still remember your tender hugs,  your cheeky smiles and your infectious laughter. And it's so hard to stay angry with you. When we pray at night,  you will always say you were naughty,  and we will always ask God to help you be a good girl. Mummy knows this is just your growing phase.  There were so many times when you obediently left the playground when we told you to. There were so many times when you helped to load the washing machine,  set the dinner table, get the tissue for mummy and filled the toilet rolls in the toilet.  I thank God everytime you chose to be a little helper,  just like we  prayed. 

Daddy and mummy will try our best to help you through this phase without too much pain (for us!!) There will be times we will need to discipline you or let you sit in your naughty corner. 

But remember it doesn't mean we love you any bit less.

Love you..even when you start poking my eyes at 5am and telling me to wake up. :p  

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Your soft touch

Dear P,

Mummy haven't been so sick before. For some moments,  I thought I wasn't going to wake up from sleep and will miss you growing up and you smiling at me every day. 

It's been a terrible few days. But mummy's better now. Thank you for praying. Thank you for holding my hand when I was in pain. You just laid beside me in bed on Saturday morning when mummy's headache was at it's worse. Mummy may have scared you because I was in so much pain. But you bravely stayed beside me, quietly watching tv and touching my face.

And everyday for the past few days,  you would ask me if I'm better and "mummy no more sick?" Yes, mummy is much better. Thanks to the love daddy and you gave.

Mummy pray I will be all better soon, and be your go go go mummy again. Busy busy mummy,  but happy happy mummy. 

Love you to the moon and back.. and forever.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Your first sentences

My darling,  mummy's going to start recording your little sentences.. you're saying new things everyday and mummy's finding it abit hard to keep up!

Here goes,  so far we have
1. I love you
2. I miss you
3. I found it
4. There it is
5. Thank you daddy
6. Thank you mummy
7. I did it
8. I made it
9. I tummy full full
10. Ask daddy
11. Where's daddy
12. I want to...

And, for the record,  you identified all the alphabets today!  What an achievement.  :)

I love you!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

You did it!

My darling you have become quite a chatterbox in the last few weeks!  It's such a joy to see how you try to tell daddy and mummy what you want or think. You have started to tell your own stories and even wanted to pray on your own before sleepytime.

It's funny how you sometimes parrot daddy or mummy and pronounce things in a different way. Especially your oz -slang Chinese.  Hee..

We just had a short but good weekend with your godma and you are enjoying the "bug" she gave you.  It's amazing how you were frustrated and crying last night because you couldn't get it to work properly.  Buy tonight you got the hang of it and happily zipping up and down the hallway,  and shouting "I did it!" Yes, you did it my darling.. and mummy knows you will have countless more achievements to come.  Big or small we will always be proud of your every achievement. 

Love you! 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Your first pee

My darling you did your first pee on the toilet bowl today!  What a big achievement and you can't imagine how proud daddy and mummy are.

You have been asking to go to the toilet for the past weeks,  but just sitting with no output. But today mummy let you go diaperless, with your new peppa undies and surprise surprise,  you asked to go pee in less than 15 mins.  Daddy brought you to the toilet as mummy was cooking dinner.  And mummy heard daddy's very excited shout that you did your wee. We all did a little dance to celebrate your achievement.

This is just your first step darling. I'm sure there will be accidents. But mummy and daddy will be with you all the way. Daddy will clean up the mess, anyway. Haha. 

You are really growing up so exciting to see you in a different phase now.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Your first escape

My dear phe,  mummy should really be more diligent in writing to you. I am only writing this now because I am sick and staying home today,  while you are at Auntie Shareenas. 

You did a little stunt last Thursday..I heard you calling mummy in the middle of the night and when I opened my door,  I nearly walked straight into you. How did you climb out of your cot in darkness and find your way to our room?  Or have you been wandering around the house before you called for me?  Maybe you can tell mummy about your little adventure soon??

You bring so much joy to daddy and mummy everyday my darling. Just last night we stopped at maccas for dinner. You saw the golden arches and made the slurpy sound and said ice cream. Yes,  bad mummy I am.. always feeding you ice cream at maccas.  Lol. 

And your little achievement this morning,  saying "bless you"... the sweetest sound to mummy.  Bless you too my darling and may you always be a blessing to all around you. 

Love you..

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Happy 2nd birthday

Dear P

You've just turned two and continue to amaze daddy and mummy with your new words everyday.

You melted our hearts today when you looked at daddy's scab on his arm and asked "are you hurt?" and when you fell off your chair,  you moaned "Oh man!" I wonder where you picked all these up, but am tremendously proud of you whenever you surprise us with a new word or sentence.

I thank God everyday for your joyful spirit and always loving towards everyone. My favorite moment everyday is when you wake up in the morning,  calls me "mummy" and plants a kiss on my lips. Don't ever stop doing this OK?

This year mummy and daddy didn't throw a big party for you. It was a little special celebration with your uncle. Your birthdays are just one day apart. It was a precious moment for mummy to celebrate both your birthdays together..and mummy pray we can do this every year.

Remember daddy and mummy love you alot,  always. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Not one but two!

My darling, you demonstrated your bargaining skills just now. Mummy was going to give you one M&M, but you tried to hold up two fingers and said "No, two!" Daddy and Mummy just rolled over laughing.

And yes, you did get two M&Ms. For trying. 

Love you so much.  :)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Back to routine 2014

It's finally back to routine tomorrow my darling. Daddy and Mummy's back to work after nearly 4 weeks of holidays with you.

Mummy pray you will have a wonderful start to the new year with auntie shareena, and continue to learn new things everyday and be the joy in everyone's lives.

It was such a good end to the holidays with our short family trip to the coast this week. Watching you trying to speak to a kangaroo, flicking it's ears when it ignored you, chasing birds, trying to have a taste of roo poo and splashing about in the hotel pool. You never fail to amaze us with your  endless amount of energy and funny antics. And this is what Daddy and mummy look forward to everyday... having you is the best thing in our lives to date.

Thank you for always making us laugh and being such a darling everyday. Yes, you do test our patience now and then, but that's how you are ...a toddler.. and we love you for that. 

It's7.30 now...sleep tight... and mummy will see you tomorrow morning.

p.s.: i love the morning kisses you give me every time i pick you up from your cot. keep them coming...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

That first day

My dear Phi-phi

Mummy's sitting beside your bed right now watching you sleep so soundly. Mummy's just finished reading a book (Neil Humphrey's Be My Baby) and brought back so much memories when I was pregnant with you and how our eyes first met on that day, 1 May 2012.

You are the most perfect thing that daddy and mummy made. And so will be your siblings, if God chooses to bless us with more.

From the little baby in our arms that day, you now incessantly call 'mummy' - for everything. The sweetest sound on earth. And i love it when you now run and pounce giggling into my arms. I will trade the world for each of these moments.

Today is the first day of 2014. Mummy and Daddy is excited to see your new achievements these year. And our prayers are for you to grow strong and healthy everyday, and continue to love everyone around you and bring joy wherever you go.

I love you my precious child...sleep tight.