Dearest P,
It's been a trying few weeks so far. You're well and truly into your terrible twos stage amd testing every boundary that daddy and mummy set. From throwing your tantrums at the pool, to playing with your food, to the sumo wrestling style diaper changing routine, folding your arms and refusing to hold pur hands when we shop, to simply saying no at everything that you are told to do.
But at the end of everyday, I will still remember your tender hugs, your cheeky smiles and your infectious laughter. And it's so hard to stay angry with you. When we pray at night, you will always say you were naughty, and we will always ask God to help you be a good girl. Mummy knows this is just your growing phase. There were so many times when you obediently left the playground when we told you to. There were so many times when you helped to load the washing machine, set the dinner table, get the tissue for mummy and filled the toilet rolls in the toilet. I thank God everytime you chose to be a little helper, just like we prayed.
Daddy and mummy will try our best to help you through this phase without too much pain (for us!!) There will be times we will need to discipline you or let you sit in your naughty corner.
But remember it doesn't mean we love you any bit less.
Love you..even when you start poking my eyes at 5am and telling me to wake up. :p