Wednesday, October 24, 2012

First formula bottle

You had your first taste of "artificial " milk today.  Mummy decided to let you start a few weeks early after yesterday's little drama when you couldn't fill up on Mummy's breast milk, and nearly emptied the stash of frozen milk.

Mummy never knew it was this hard to give the bottle to you. It seems like  I'm giving you second best food.  My only prayer is that your little tummy will be tough and accept the formula easily, and your body will take in all the extra nutrition and start putting on weight again. Mummy feels sorry that your weight has fallen from the 90th percentile to the 50th. I want my chubby Phoebe back! Hee...

Love ya... with lotsa cuddles 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Your first "seat"

You can manage a few minutes sitting on your own now. Not the tripod way, the hands-free way! Daddy and Mummy are both excited and proud of you. 

You seemed to be growing at such a fast pace.. Mummy might miss your growth if I'm not alert enough.. :p

It's a joy to see you waking up bright and happy every morning... and sleeping soundly every night.  It's OK you still wake up for your milkie time.. Mummy treasures these moments of holding you close and letting you fall back asleep.  Soon you will grow out of this phase too...

You know what makes Mummy's day? Hearing you laugh and chuckle as we play. That's the most melodious sound in the world to me.

Monday, October 8, 2012

First "swim"

You tried out your little inflatable pool just now.  Took you a while to be at ease sitting in the water... but you were soon splashing about and getting water all  over your face.

What a nice way to enjoy some time out on this hot spring day!  :)

First achievement

You really surprised mummy last night. We were in your room listening to lullabies and preparing for bed...

And you rolled over and reached out to touch the control button on the mobile. Mummy knew you were trying to switch it on. You kept trying.. your little fingers couldn't quite pushed the on button and mummy was so very tempted to help you...

But you did it all by yourself!  And twice!  Daddy and mummy are so proud of you.  Remember my love, never give up trying.  It will seem difficult at first,  it's the part where you put in all your effort that matters. and  that's what daddy and mummy pray for you. That you will always be challenging yourself, and be happy trying to overcome anything.. and you can always count on us for support.

Love you! 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

First day at daycare

You are such a brave gal. Didn't cry when mummy said goodbye. But mummy did. Had to drive off quickly if not mummy's tears would come and won't be able to drive.

Mummy is thinking of you every moment.. pray you are having a good time with the other babies. Mummy knows you are stronger than me.

You seemed to know something is going to change this morning. You had the serious look and was looking intently around Aunty Shareena's house when she held You.

Mummy misses you so much already... see you in 3 hours and 59 mins...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

First night alone

Daddy was woken by the sound of your mobile this morning. Guess what, you managed to turn it on yourself. My little gal has surprised us again.

It was your first night sleeping in your own room, and you did well! You only woke once for a feed between 9pm to 7am. Daddy and mummy are so proud of you. It was funny to see you changing positions through the night. Mummy and Daddy both sneak peaked on you...  :)

It's another first for you.. but Mummy sort of misses you sleeping in the bassinet beside me. So, let's still stick to our morning cuddle in mummy's bed OK?

Monday, October 1, 2012

Sleep tite

Mummy just put you down for your last nap of the day. It was so easy...few minutes of cuddle and you dozed off in your cot.

Do you know mummy and daddy used to take a long time to coax you to sleep? Let's see...there was the countless bounces on the exercise ball, the walks up and down our hallway, the rocking,  the dummy pushing, the white noise, the lullabies,  the swaddling... everytime something seemed to work,  you would change your preferences again.

It was heart breaking to see you cry everytime you try to sleep. And sometimes when all things failed,  you would just cry to sleep.

All that, until you started sucking on your fingers at 3 months. And sleepy times finally became a bliss.

Continue to sleep well my love... and sweet dreams.